Le Monde Diplomatique: Where the Future is Still Nuclear

Article published in Le Monde Diplomatique - English, issue of September 2013

Report co-conducted with Hélène Bienvenu. The article was first published in French in Le Monde Diplomatique - Français, issue of July 2013.
ete-2-ajTemelín nuclear power plant, Czech Republic. Photo: CEZ
Four former eastern bloc countries have not only not given up on nuclear power: they are expanding their generating capacity to become more energy independent, in the hope of exporting electricity to Germany.

“The nuclear power station is the best thing that has ever happened to us,” said János Hajdú, the mayor of Paks. This Hungarian town on the Danube has an atom symbol in silver on its flag, which hung behind his desk. “Paks is quite small,” he said. “We have a population of about 19,500 but wages are (...)Read the article here (access on demand)


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