In Chisinau, The Preacher of the Tent City

This is a testimony from a meeting on the site of the "Tent City" in the center of Chisinau. IMG_2686

Ioan Corniescu, retired policeman, in the middle of the “Tent City” in Chisinau, 09/11/2015 

"I don’t see any perspective here. I don’t know what we can expect from this movement, because people just don’t do anything to make things change. As of today, we have exactly 94 persons who maintain the camp. In the House of Parliament, they don’t even pay attention to us through the windows… They arrested the former Prime minister Vlad Filat, that’s true. But it’s just because of politics, it has nothing to do with our movement: he has been punished by political enemies, that’s it.We started with a good dynamics, though. People were really motivated, because everyone knew that the country is ruined, that bandits sit in each and every administration, that our young people don’t have any future here. But now, people got discouraged, passive. I told the organisers of the movement at the beginning: we should fight and storm this House of Government. I am a former policeman, I know what I am talking about. Now it's too late.Ukrainians did it very nice, their Revolution... Although we don’t know who financed the Maïdan. Here, we don’t get any financing, no one is behind our movement… Where do tents and toilets and food come from? From people…
In Moldova they stole one billion dollars and nothing happened. In Romania, they had one club burnt down and the whole government collapsed! Of course, their Prime minister Ponta was already dead politically, even Angela Merkel did not want to talk to him. But it also shows the differences in the mentalities between Moldova and Romania. Here, there is no sense of unity and the burden of Soviet heritage… See, we are speaking in Russian now, between a Frenchman and a Moldovan. I don’t like Russian! But our country makes it so that… In Romania, you would not have this problem, people are united in a national spirit, they don’t ask themselves that kind of questions of going towards either Europe or towards Russia… And I know what I mean, I myself hold the Romanian citizenship!But you know, all of this does not really matter. I am not really here because of the camp and the politics… You know what is the most important? To believe in Jesus Christ. Because He is the one who is going to save everything and everyone. I had two guns, a French and a German Luger. Once I took it out and I got arrested. I went to jail for that. And in jail, I read a lot, I did not waste my time, and I discovered Jesus Christ. And it saved me. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you are the richest man in the world, richer than all these bandits and oligarchs. Do you understand me? I know you understand. Maybe not now, but later you will see that I am right. As for me, this is already a very good day because I got to spread the Gospel to an atheistic Frenchman!"

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