Separatist LNR prepares for separated elections

Notes from Lugansk, capital of self-proclaimed "Луганская народная республика - People's Republic of Lugansk" (LNR)Lugansk is preparing for general and presidential elections on Sunday, 2nd November. The poll takes place separately from general elections in "Донецкая народная республика - Donetsk's People's Republic" (DNR). Although both Republics are supposedly constitutive parts of a larger political body named "Новороссия - New Russia", both entities shall have their own Parliaments and Presidents.IMG_7854In LNR, three political parties run for Parliament: "Мир Луганщине - Peace to Lugansk" ; "народный союз" - People's Union" and "Луганский экономический союз - Lugansk's Economic Union". Four candidates run for presidency: acting President and head of the "Peace to Lugansk Party" Igor Plotnitski, trade union leader Oleg Akimov, Health Minister Larisa Ayrapetyan and businessman Viktor Penner.
Ukraine's central government still considers territories now controlled by LNR & DNR authorities as parts of its national territory. Yet the polls take place one week after Ukraine's general elections, in a very distinctive manner. Kyiv along with Western governments expressed dissatisfaction to Moscow's support for these elections. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin denounced "totally fake, unlawful elections with people trying to elect so-called presidents of Donetsk and Luhansk and a so-called parliament"."Donbass is Ukraine", a graffiti claims on a pillar of Lougansk university. The graffiti displays the face of former President Viktor Yanukovych. A Nazi cross was added to the graffiti. According to a 16th September Ukrainian law on a "special status" for the East of Ukraine, local elections were to be held on LNR & DNR territories on 7th December, in line with Ukrainian legislation. From Lugansk, it seems clear these elections will not take place. Their effective holding is nonetheless one of the conditions for the implementation of Petro Poroshenko's peace plan. Russian President Vladimir Putin says that all that was agreed upon in Minsk was to hold elections "in co-ordination with, not in line with" Ukrainian election plans.

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RFI: En Ukraine, le Changement, c'est Maintenant?